I keep thinking about this blog and I'm just not sure what to write about. I want to write about just 'BlogWorthy' things, but I can't really come up with any. However, I din't want to leave anyone hanging.
Today was a pretty relaxed day. I slept in, which is rare, but it was great sleep. Eric had class, then we had lunch, and I had class. Just like I like my days off, just relaxed. One crazy thing happened, but I'll get to that in the next paragraph.
Next paragraph: :) OUR BABY CLIMBED OUT OF HER CRIB! She about to be 8 months old, it was crazy, I heard nothing then I heard "BOOM!!" and I thought to myself, "That was way to loud to be a bottle." So I ran in and she was there in the middle of her room on her back crying. Poor little girl, she just wanted out, but I'm happy to report that she is A okay. My precious little girl is just fine. After I checked her out, wrists, ankles and all I hugged and kissed her, which usually does the trick, but she whimpered for a couple of minutes. I'm sure she was startled, she hasn't ever fallen like that. Ohhhhh to be innocent again! Right?
So... School started again, that is interesting. Let me run you through Tuesday evening. So I leave my house around 5:30 PM, which was later than I planned, but whatev. I get off the highway, the exit is about 1-2 miles from the school. Already, the lanes are backed up, so once I finally get close enough to where I can see the school, I realize I've made a grave mistake: Under estimation of the amount of people in Johnson County taking night classes. HOLY CANOLY!!! The entire parking lot was full... I mean THE WHOLE DAMN thing! So I make another mistake: I actually drove around in the lots closest to the school thinking I would get a spot. I cannot stress how wrong I was. So I finally suck it up and snag a spot that is probably half a mile from my class (a lil exaggeration never hurt a person). I jump out of my car and take note of the angle I am from the closest building in attempt to remember where I parked in the sea of cars. I run/walk all the way until I reach the street. I have two choices walk about 100 feet out of my way to stay on pavement, or walk through the snow, which looks like someone else had already padded down. Alright: Snow it is... So I finally reach the campus and find my building, get up to the third floor (perfect right?) and find the room. Open the door and everyone stares. I'm thinking..."Why is everyone gawking I'm like 3 minutes late on the first day, not a biggie." The woman at the front, who appears to be the teacher says, "ARe you here for Interpersonal communication?" "Yes" "That class doesn't start until February first." SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! (sarcasm). Great, thats perfect. So yeah, THAT was fun.
Then there was tonights class Marriage & Family, which ended up being about one bitter wife away from being FULL ON MARRIAGE & FAMILY counseling. LOL, usually I'm all for sharing, really I am, but these women were CRAZY announcing their lives to complete strangers. I'm not talking about them saying they were unhappy, it was more than that. Anywhooooo it was interesting. I would have to say the most interesting part was when I rented my textbook went to wait outside the classroom, where I found two classmates. They both had a different text book. So I asked them if they were sure it was the right one...they said yes, so I hurried back to the bookstore to do a quick exchange. Get back to the classroom just in time, open the door and see every other student with the book I JUST exchanged. AWESOME! How crazy is it that the only two people who had the wrong book were the two that I saw? Great. LOL
Last thing for tonight...maybe... If you are going to run into my car: PLEASE do don't do it while I'm inside, but for ******'s sake could you leave a note? Or hit it hard enough to total it? I mean this is getting ridiculous... First someone hits me and I've got 3 people in the car! The very next day after I get the car back from the body repair showp someone hits my car AGAIN, but this time at night while I'm sleeping. AWESOME!
OOOOOOH good news!! Guess who gets to go to her 1st concert? THIS GIRL! And who better to go see than SALT-N-PEP! Seriously, I couldn't be happier! I'll be sure to let you all know how the show was, even though I know it will be GREAT.
Hmmm...It seems that I have run out of things to talk about at the moment. Until next time- ADIOS! :)
Learning, living, describing, ...ever changing. THISisTARRAN
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Free Prints from Shutterfly!!
Awesomeness: 75 Free Prints from Shutterfly! :) Follow this link. Follow my blog!!!!
Hasta Luego Senor Facebook.
Dear Senor Facebook:
I regret to inform you that I am suspending our friendship for a period of time, which has yet to be determined. I have come to my senses and realized that I allow you to almost completely control my life. You are one of the only reasons I log into the internet on my lap top and my smartphone. I also used to enjoy our friendship because I used you to chat with friends, but I realized that your chat sucks & I have text messaging. However, I do thoroughly enjoy showing off my pictures to friends. Sadly I will not be doing so for [period of time]. I sincerely hope that I have not hurt your feelings, but I will tell you that it IS personal.
Your old loyal friend,
I regret to inform you that I am suspending our friendship for a period of time, which has yet to be determined. I have come to my senses and realized that I allow you to almost completely control my life. You are one of the only reasons I log into the internet on my lap top and my smartphone. I also used to enjoy our friendship because I used you to chat with friends, but I realized that your chat sucks & I have text messaging. However, I do thoroughly enjoy showing off my pictures to friends. Sadly I will not be doing so for [period of time]. I sincerely hope that I have not hurt your feelings, but I will tell you that it IS personal.
Your old loyal friend,
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Write it All Down && Burn that #%*@
Just a little insight, thought I would share, it might help someone:
I am sure you have seen the shows where they write everything that hurt them, or whatever on a piece of paper and then burn it. I always thought that was SO silly. Growing up a lot of things happened to me and burning a piece of paper isn't going to make me feel "free" or whatever. Or...so I thought. Stay with me here.
About a week or two ago I started to go through a lot of "moments". A "moment" to me is a time when something happens, someone says something, or something just 'clicks' and it changes you...forever. The one I'm talking about here is when I realized I was punishing myself for all of my mistakes in the past. In other words I was holding myself back!! I really was, and probably still am, because I'm still working on it.
Here is what was going through my mind: Alright, SO when I was 16, maybe 17 years old, I had BIIIIIG dreams, high hopes, all these ideas about how MY life was going to be. OF COURSE, I was perfect, so nothing was going to stop me. Fast Forward: I'm 25 and I realize, life is NOT that simple. You can't just write everything down and tell yourself you are going to do it and hate yourself for ever if something goes wrong? I mean I hated myself because I dropped out of high school, because I got involved with abusive people, because I allowed people to hurt me, because I didn't finish school, because I gained weight...The list goes on. So then I started thinking about this as a plan. The plan I developed when I was 17 was as follows: Go to school get a degree in sociology, communications, and Spanish. (All three full bachelors, no minors). Marry at 25, have children at 30, I wanted to travel every year (a different country), be fluent in 5 languages (I'm 3 short), I wanted a 5 bedroom house with a garage and a boat. Now according the that plan, I'm a reaaaaaaaaaaaal loser. :) I hated myself because I messed everything up, I made bad decisions and chose the wrong paths, I just did everything wrong, and because of that I couldn't move forward. NO joke: In the past 2 to 3 years my life hasn't really changed (except for having the most amazing baby and getting the most amazing boyfriend). I'm still at the same place in my education, pretty much the same position at my job... gained like 70 pounds and keep 'trying' to lose it. I despised myself and thought I was a failure and therefore nulling my ability to move forward/develop in my life. Then the moment happened: One morning, about a week ago I was getting ready for work and the thought just hit me...
THAT PLAN IS VOID!!! I mean I was 17, I didn't KNOW anything. Oh believe, I thought I did, but I didn't. So since I've decided, I need a NEW plan. I've been developing one. It doesn't matter what I was going to do, or should have done. That part of my life is over all I can do is control the future. So I'm 25 and I'm writing a new plan and I'm burning the old one!!
...I hope no one takes this wrong and thinks I'm saying don't have big dreams or anything. I am not saying that, I'm saying forgive yourself for the past and move forward. Make love to the future!
I am sure you have seen the shows where they write everything that hurt them, or whatever on a piece of paper and then burn it. I always thought that was SO silly. Growing up a lot of things happened to me and burning a piece of paper isn't going to make me feel "free" or whatever. Or...so I thought. Stay with me here.
About a week or two ago I started to go through a lot of "moments". A "moment" to me is a time when something happens, someone says something, or something just 'clicks' and it changes you...forever. The one I'm talking about here is when I realized I was punishing myself for all of my mistakes in the past. In other words I was holding myself back!! I really was, and probably still am, because I'm still working on it.
Here is what was going through my mind: Alright, SO when I was 16, maybe 17 years old, I had BIIIIIG dreams, high hopes, all these ideas about how MY life was going to be. OF COURSE, I was perfect, so nothing was going to stop me. Fast Forward: I'm 25 and I realize, life is NOT that simple. You can't just write everything down and tell yourself you are going to do it and hate yourself for ever if something goes wrong? I mean I hated myself because I dropped out of high school, because I got involved with abusive people, because I allowed people to hurt me, because I didn't finish school, because I gained weight...The list goes on. So then I started thinking about this as a plan. The plan I developed when I was 17 was as follows: Go to school get a degree in sociology, communications, and Spanish. (All three full bachelors, no minors). Marry at 25, have children at 30, I wanted to travel every year (a different country), be fluent in 5 languages (I'm 3 short), I wanted a 5 bedroom house with a garage and a boat. Now according the that plan, I'm a reaaaaaaaaaaaal loser. :) I hated myself because I messed everything up, I made bad decisions and chose the wrong paths, I just did everything wrong, and because of that I couldn't move forward. NO joke: In the past 2 to 3 years my life hasn't really changed (except for having the most amazing baby and getting the most amazing boyfriend). I'm still at the same place in my education, pretty much the same position at my job... gained like 70 pounds and keep 'trying' to lose it. I despised myself and thought I was a failure and therefore nulling my ability to move forward/develop in my life. Then the moment happened: One morning, about a week ago I was getting ready for work and the thought just hit me...
THAT PLAN IS VOID!!! I mean I was 17, I didn't KNOW anything. Oh believe, I thought I did, but I didn't. So since I've decided, I need a NEW plan. I've been developing one. It doesn't matter what I was going to do, or should have done. That part of my life is over all I can do is control the future. So I'm 25 and I'm writing a new plan and I'm burning the old one!!
...I hope no one takes this wrong and thinks I'm saying don't have big dreams or anything. I am not saying that, I'm saying forgive yourself for the past and move forward. Make love to the future!
2011 is Tarran's Year
...Yes, I wrote that in 3rd person.
Okay: So I really have a lot of catching up to do! Within the next week or so I plan to do a few blog posts. Things that I have had happen, ideas, thoughts on current 'events', being a mom, & life lessons. Stay posted!
Okay: So I really have a lot of catching up to do! Within the next week or so I plan to do a few blog posts. Things that I have had happen, ideas, thoughts on current 'events', being a mom, & life lessons. Stay posted!
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