Well...today wasn't the greatest day as far as diet goes. I had a hot dog, hamburger, 1/4 cup macaroni salad, 1/4 cup potato salad, 1/4 cup baked beans, cake & ice cream at my friends baby shower &&& then I came home and had taco salad, which isn't really UNhealthy, but still. Its okay- tomorrow I start my detoxing. One day no eating, should be fun.
Today I had a pretty great day!! My friend Ryan and his wife Alisha had their little baby girl, we went to see them, went for a walk at the mall && then we went to Brandy's baby shower- FUN! Then BabyGirl & I went to pick Daddy up from work & he surprised me with some pretty flowers, see picture! AWWWE! Gotta love him.
Tomorrow's plans include going to the doctor for my 6 week check up & going to walk & only drinking water & not eating food &&& doing my exercise video!!!!!!!! Burn baby burn. Alright, well I just wanted to catch up.
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